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Scrap Yard for Readville, Massachusetts

scrap yard for Readville, MassachusettsNeed a place for your scrap? Learn how James G. Grant Company, located in Readville, MA can assist you with your Readville, Massachusetts scrap yard needs today!

James G. Grant Co., located in Readville, Massachusetts, has provided families and companies with top-quality, affordable services for over 60 years. If you or your company is looking for an effective and environmentally responsible way to dispose of personal or industrial scrap materials, contact us to discuss your local scrap yard needs.

As the leading full-service transfer station and scrap yard for Readville, Massachusetts, we accept and process a wide range of materials such as the following:

  • Heavy steel
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Aluminum
  • Stainless steel
  • High-temperature alloys
  • Tile and flooring
  • Plumbing
  • Construction debris

Perhaps you are simply looking for a place to haul your scrap and debris, but you can also be compensated for your materials. Along with our generations of knowledge, our Readville, Massachusetts scrap yard comes with state-of-the-art computers that are specifically designed for scrap metal recycling. They accurately weigh each load of scrap metal and alloys and then pays cash or provide credit for the load you bring.

Are you a contractor with site debris to recycle and scrap metal that needs to be hauled away? James G. Grant’s scrap yard for Readville, Massachusetts provides complete debris management services including site demolition, debris transport, and material recycling. We also provide truck rentals if you prefer to handle the removal of the materials yourself.

And while our scrap yard near Readville, Massachusetts is a great place to free yourself of waste and scrap materials, our yard is also a place that recycles as much of that material as possible. When it comes to metal, there’s only so much of it in the ground, and, as a valuable natural resource, it’s important to use and re-use it as much as possible. In fact, industry estimates reveal that 84% of the iron and other metals used in foundries is recycled from scrap yards.

At James G. Grant, our scrap yard for Readville, Massachusetts frees up much-needed landfill space for actual waste like discarded food matter and non-recyclable materials. Since many recyclable metal products are quite bulky, continued scrap metal recycling will reduce the need for unsightly, space-consuming landfills near your community.

If you need a place to remove your demolition debris or if you would like help properly disposing of your scrap metals and materials, please take the time to contact our team here at James G. Grant Company. We’re excited to help you get the job done!